Reporting Options – overview

Below are the individual reports with brief overview that you can access for a communication that has been sent.

  1. Send out summary & bounce backs – Use this report to check and view a summary of any communication you have sent out for the current year or any previous year of use. Use this report to access the Bounce back report <insert link> for a particular communication you have sent out.
  2. UnsubscribedThis report shows you the people that have unsubscribed from your communications that have sent. It is historical and will display all unsubscribed emails from when you starting using the system.
  3. Client Reading History – This report will display a reading history for a particular client’s email record.
  4. Client Send Out History –This report will display a send out history for all communications sent/emailed to a particular client’s email record.
  5. File Downloads – Lists the subscribers who have clicked on a link that had a PDF file inserted and they have downloaded a copy of the file onto their computer/device.
  6. Web page links – This report is available to track the number of times a link (hyperlink) has been clicked-on and the names of clients that have clicked on the link.
  7. Client Communications – There are 2 potential reports for any communication that has been sent out to a client email list. They are:
    1. Readership – clients that have linked on the communication
    2. Article views – articles that have been clicked on and names of clients that have clicked on them
  8. Articles >> Article views – It will display any article that has been sent from your account and clicked on by clients, from the most, to least clicked on articles within the given date range.
  9. Survey >> Responses – This report allows you to view the responses from any survey that has been sent out to a client email list.