Creating your client email list

When creating your email list from your client database system, do the following;

  1. Export or extract 3 pieces of client data for your client database;
    1. firstname,
    2. surname,
    3. email address
  2. In your Excel file you need 3 columns with the following column headings in these cells;
    1. cell A1 = Firstname (has to be one word)
    2. cell B1 = Surname
    3. cell C1 = Email
  3. There needs to be continuous client records directly under the column headings

Note – It is important that your client records are presented in the correct columns.

  1. Data needs to be in the first worksheet of the workbook (Excel file)
  2. IMPORTANT – There must be a firstname – The data in the firstname field is used in the salutation of “Dear <firstname> “. It can be anything as long as it makes logical sense after “Dear XXXX” – e.g William or Bill & Sally or Dr Smithers or “Paramatta Pink Bats Installors
  3. NO blank rows in the middle of your data
  4. NO hidden rows or columns
  5. NO extra columns
  6. File needs to be saved as an Excel file format of “97 to 2003 workbook” which will give it a file extension of “.xls
  7. IMPORTANT always check your client email list before uploading – highlight the whole sheet and sort by “firstname” then scroll to top and bottom and look for any blanks