Send out

To send out the communication you need to:

  1. Get your client email list set up in the correct Excel file – see sample Excel file
  2. Upload your email list into Subscriber Management
  3. Click on Client Communications from the top navigation bar
  4. Find, select and click on the communication title you want to send
  5. Click on “Send Out “
  6. Check the “Notification email subject ” line and edit it if needed
  7. Tick the box next to “Sendout clientalert ” and click “Continue ” OR
    tick the box next to the email list you want to send it too and click “Continue”

    Note –
    if you select “All subscribers” it will send to every email record in your Subscriber Management
  8. IMPORTANT – read the final screen and check your email list by clicking on the link “View list of subscribers”
  9. Then click on ” Confirm and send “