Creating your own Client Communication

A Client Communication is an email that contains whatever content your are wanting to send to your clients within the Welcome Text area.

The Client Communication can be any type of email you want, depending on what content you insert or don’t insert into it.

The content dictates the email’s purpose e.g. newsletter, monthly market update, invitation,  survey feedback request, Friday footy tips etc. Content can come in many forms and 99% of this content can be set up and sent out using the system e.g links, pdf files, inserted articles, video, images or just informative text.

To create a new communication do the following:

Important – you must create and save a communication before you can insert/add an article from your article library

  1. Go to the top navigation and click on “Client Communications
  2. Click on “Create new Communication
  3. Enter the following compulsory fields;
    1. Title – used for admin reference only, clients won’t see this
    2. Heading – clients see this, it sits at top of email body text – it is not the email Subject line but it can be same
    3. Date – roughly when you’re going to send it out – correct month is most important.
    4. Welcome text – this is the email body text or newsletter introductory text
    5. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Submit

      – You can come back an edit any of these fields, as often as needed up until you send the communication out to an email list.