Unsubscribed Email Report

This report shows you the people that have unsubscribed from your communications that have sent. It is historical and will display all unsubscribed emails from when you starting using the system..

IMPORTANT – it is the email address that is unsubscribing and will be quarantined & blocked not the client’s name.

Resubscribing: You can request to get an unsubscribed email address resubscribed. We require email notification from you with the client’s name and email address.

All communications being sent form the Commcontrol have an “Unsubscribe” link in the footer. The “Unsubscribe” function is instant and automatic. If a client clicks on this link 4 thing happen:

  1. The client’s email address is identified and removed from Subscriber Management and any mailing group and quarantined in this report
  2. A courtesy email is sent to you (accounts admin email address) informing you of the unsubscribe, the client’s name & email and the communication that they click on the “Unsubscribe” link
  3. Once an email address is in this report it will never get sent another communication
  4. The email address will be blocked from being uploaded from any email list.