Send out summary & bounce back report

This is a great admin report that gives you a summary of any communication / publication that has been sent out live to an email list or any communications you have sent a test email of. The test communications will be listed but have zero (0) in the “Email sent”

Use this report to check and view a summary of any communication you have sent out for the current year or any previous year of use.

Use this report to access the Bounce back report <insert link> for a particular communication you have sent out.

It will take a few seconds to load due to the amount of data it needs to collate; this is dependent on the number of sends out made for the selected year.

To open up the “Send out summary & bounce backs” report do the following:

  1. Go to top navigation bar and click on “Reporting” tab
  2. Find and click on the report from the left hand “Reporting option” menu
  3. Click on “Send out summary & bounce backs” report from the left hand “Reporting option” menu

Publication (communication name)  –  it will have the module name e.g. Client Memo  and heading used in the communication e.g Welcome to our summer newsletter

# Emails sent – number of emails sent, click on this figure to view names of clients. It will display zero (0) if it was a test email only

Date sent   – date of the last email was sent

# Open rate – number of delivered emails that had the images downloaded into them; provides an estimate of the potential clients that may have viewed the communication. This gives a rough guide to the awareness the communication may have received.

IMPORTANT – This figure is totally dependent on the receiving client downloading images into their email – by default all email browsers have this image blocking security setting enabled.

# Bounces – number of emails that have not been delivered and bounced back to you. Click on the figure to view full bouncing details.  More info on Bounce Backs >> <insert link to Bounce back page>               

# Total clicks  – total of all clicks generated by the unique clicks

# Unique clicks   – the individual clients that have clicked on any hyper link in the email. Doing this is called engagement / interaction – clicking on a link in the email e.g Read more, an article heading, a link to a pdf file etc.