Client Communication reports - Readership & Article views

There are 2 potential reports for any communication that has been sent out to a client email list. They are:

  1. Readership – this will list all clients that have engaged or interacted by clicking on a link within the communication sent. They MUST click on a link in the communication’s email for their name to be listed in the report
  2. Article views – if articles have been inserted into the communication and clicked on it will list;
    1. The heading of each article clicked on
    2. If you click on an article heading it will list the client names that viewed the article
    3. Number of views
    4. Number of people

To view these reports, do the following:

  1. Go to top navigation bar and click on “Reporting” tab
  2. On the “Reporting option” menu on the left hand go to “Client Communications >> Readership or Article views
  3. Click on the report you want “Readership or Article views
  4. You will be presented with a list of communications
  5. Select the communication that you want to view the report for