Find, edit & send a newsletter

Find and edit a newsletter

Find and edit a communication, you need to:

  1. Log on with your account details – username & password
  2. Click on “Client Communications”  from the top navigation bar
  3. Select and click on the newsletter title that you want to send out e.g “March Newsletter or Q2 Newsletter 2020”
    Note – all newsletters/communications are listed/ordered by date
  4. Default Welcome text is entered for you, if want to edit this text click on “Edit Welcome text” from left hand editing option menu
  5. If pasting content from Word or Outlook say “Yes” to the pop-up box, then;
    1. Paste content into the “Paste from Word” pop–up and click “Insert”
    2. Otherwise say “No”
  6. Edit the dates in the welcome text and add any extra text
  7. Scroll to bottom and click SUBMIT
  8. Review articles – you can remove and add articles if needed

Send a test email

You’ll find this option in the second navigation bar at the top, then:

  1. Click on “Send test email”
  2. Type in a ” Notification email subject ” line
  3. Fill in ” To Firstname “
  4. Fill in ” To Email “
  5. click on ” Submit “

Note In the “From name” & “From email” fields the test email uses the admin email account details, if one is set up. Otherwise it uses the default account email details.

Once you are happy with the test email you are ready to do a live send out

Send out

To send out the Client Communication you need to:

  1. Get your client email list set up in the correct Excel file
  2. Upload your email list into Subscriber Management
  3. Click on Client Communications from the top navigation bar
  4. Find, select and click on the Communication title you want to send
  5. Click on “Send Out “
  6. Check the “Notification email subject ” line and edit it if needed
  7. Tick the box next to “Sendout clientalert ” and click “Continue ”


    1. tick the All Subscribers box – if you select “All subscribers” it will send to every email record in your Subscriber Management
    2. then click “Continue”


    1. select the Mailing Group(s) list you want to send to
    2. then click “Continue”
  8. IMPORTANT >> read the final screen and check your email list by clicking on the grey button “View list of subscribers

    • Check the First names in the first column as your clients will see this in the salutation of Dear …. in the body of the email
  9. Then click on ” Confirm and send “

If you have any questions please feel free to call Advant Support on 03 9416 0655