Upload your client email list

Instructions below are for uploading your full/master client email list into your account.

If you are uploading your full master client email list it should always be uploaded into Subscriber Management never into a mailing group.  Subscriber Management is where all your client email records reside. This is all your active client’s master email records.

Things to remember about your master email list;

  • The client email records currently in your account’s Subscriber Management are dated – only as up-to-date as the last time you uploaded an Excel file into this area.
  • The client email records in the Excel file you are uploading are the most up-to-date. You want these uploaded and any old emails, in your account flushed out and archived that AREN’T in this upload list – to do this confirm the archive when asked on the final upload screen.

To upload your full master client email list into Subscriber Management do the following:

  1. On top navigation bar click on Maintenance >> Upload subscribers list option
  2. Scroll down to Step 2: upload subscriber file and click on Browse or Choose a File button
  3. Locate your saved client file on your desktop or your office network folder.
  4. Click on Open – note that the address of the file from your hard drive is now in the box (next to browse).
  5. Under Mailing Group Options make sure No Mailing group is selected. By default “No Mailing group” is selected.

IMPORTANT  – If you are bring in your full master list of emails you never place it into a mailing group always make sure No Mailing group is selected.

Step 3 – Check column headings

  1. The pull-down menus contain the column headings from your current file. Make sure the column headings in the drop menus match the ones displayed on left.
  2. If not, select the correct column headings from the drop down menus then click “Next

IMPORTANT – if there is something wrong with your client email list file format this screen will tell you in red text. Go back to your Excel file check the following;

  1. Check the 3 columns headings are spelt correctly, as below and are in these cells;
    1. cell A1 = Firstname (has to be one word)
    2. cell B1 = Surname ( NOT “lastname”)
    3. cell C1 = Email ( NOT “email address”)
  1. NO blank rows above or below your column headings
  2. NO hidden rows or columns
  3. NO extra columns of data
  4. File is saved as an Excel file format of “97 to 2003 workbook” which will give it a file extension of “.xls”

Step 4 – Confirm Column Headings

You will then be asked to confirm that the field names selected are correct.

Tick all the check-boxes to confirm they are correct and click “Next”.

Step 5 – Confirm Column Data

This screen displays the details of all your client email records to be uploaded.

The system wants you to confirm all your client email records;

  1. Tick the “SelectAll” tick box at the top of the screen, this will select all your client records for you. You can untick an individual client record and it won’t be uploaded.Note – system will verify all details and identify any invalid emails  as “Invalid” and they won’t be uploaded. Invalid email addresses can be any of the following:
    • Contains spaces “name name@company.com.au”
    • Contains unusual characters eg %&*
    • Does not contain a “@” symbol in email address
    • There’s a comma instead of a full-stop in the email domain part of email address name@clientcomm,com.au

    Make a note of these records and go back to your source client emails find, edit and save changes and then reload the file again – start this process again.

  2. Scroll to bottom of screen and click “Next

Step 6 – Final Upload Screen  (Subscribers Update/Listed)

The system will analyze your client email list and cross match it with the current email list you have in Subscriber Management and will advised you of:

  • The number of subscribers updated
  • The number of new subscribers inserted
  • The number of old client email addresses that can be archived

Note – You should always archive old emails out of your Subscribe Management list every time you upload a full client email list into this area.

To archive do the following;

  1. Click on “Yes”  to confirm the archive of old email records out of your accounts Subscriber Management.These archiving email records are currently in your account’s Subscriber Management list and they ARE NOT in the new list you are uploading. They are old disused emails that will continue to get rejected and “bounced back” to you. Your clients will change their email address constantly – move jobs, change internet providers “Bigpond” to “iinet” etc.

    Note –
    If a subscriber is archived they will not receive any future communications and you can reactivate an email at any time.
  2. Then click “Next” to complete the upload.

IMPORTANT – things to remember about your master email list;

  1. Always check your the Excel file with the email list you are about to upload. Sort the whole email list by firstname and check the top & bottom of the list to make sure there are no blank firstnames
  2. Once you have uploaded your email list always check it in Subscriber Management – search for random clients you know are on the excel file you just uploaded.