Subscriber Management

Subscriber Management is where all your client email records reside. This is all your active client’s master email records.

If you are uploading your full master client email list it should always be uploaded into Subscriber Management never into a mailing group.

To find Subscriber Management do the following:

  1. Go to the top navigation and click on “Maintenance” >> “Subscriber Management

You can access:

  1. Archived emails – click on “View Archives”/li>
  2. Add an email – click on “Add a new subscriber
  3. Edit a client’s email record – use the “Search” function to find a client email record. Click on the record’s Firstname or Surname or Email to open the edit screen, make your changes and click “Submit” to save changes
  4. View reports – Find the client email record and go to the right hand side to access below reports:
  • Client Reading History – lists any articles clicked an opened or pdf files downloaded and opened
  • Client Send Out History – listed all communications that have been sent to the client email

More info on how to upload your client email list into Subscriber Management >>

IMPORTANT – things to remember about your master client email list in Subscriber Management;

  • No duplicate emails – The system will not allow duplicate emails, it will only load one instance of each email record
  • Updating client email records – The client email records currently in your account’s Subscriber Management are dated – only as up-to-date as the last time you uploaded an Excel file into this area. It is a good practice to periodically reload your full client email list into Subscriber Management and archive any old email records.
  • Archiving – If a subscriber is archived they will not receive any future communications and you can reactivate an email at any time.
  • Best to Archive and NOT to delete – If you delete a client’s email record it will delete all reporting history associated with the email – there will be no record of communication sent or content read by client.
  • Mailing Groups emails – the email records in a Mailing Group are only copies of a group of email records from the associated master email records in Subscriber Management.