Create a mailing group

Note – A Mailing Group is just a container that will hold copies of a group of email records from your Subscriber Management.

You can create a mailing group two ways – manually or through the upload subscribers list process.

Manually create mailing group do the following:

  1. Go to the top navigation and click on “Maintenance” >> “Mailing Groups”
  2. Click on “Add a new mailing group” button
  3. Enter a name for the mailing group
  4. Select the client email records from the right hand “Non Members” column and double click to move a record across to “Current members” column.
    Current Members are the client email records that have been copied over and will be saved to the mailing group.
    Non Members are all the other email records that are available in Subscriber Management that have not been select into the group.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of screen and click “Save”

To create a new mailing group and load an email list from the Upload subscribers list screen, do the following:

  1. Go to the top navigation and click on “Maintenance” >> “Upload subscriber list
  2. Scroll down to Step 2: upload subscriber file and click on “Browse” or “ Choose File” button to select your Excel file of client emails.
  3. Locate your saved client file on your desktop or your office network folder.
  4. Click on “Open” and note that the address of the file from your computer is now in the box (next to browse).
  5. Under Mailing Group Options select “New mailing group
  6. Give the new Mailing Group a logical name that easily identifies the purpose of the list.
  7. Click “Next
  8. Then click through upload screens as normal – see “Upload email list
  9. Check your mailing group – Once the upload process is completed always go and check the new mailing group. To do this, go to:
    1. Mailing Groups in left hand Maintenance Options menu
    2. Select and click on the mailing group you just created
    3. Check the number of email records in the left hand “Current Members” column – these are the email record copies that belong to the mailing group. The other column is “Non Members” they are all other emails available in Subscriber Management that have not been selected into this mailing group.