Bounce back emails

Bounce back emails

This is the number of emails that have not been delivered and bounced back to you. The receiving email server rejected the email address due to one or more of the below:

  1. didn’t recognise the email – invalid email address due to spelling or incorrect email format e.g. missing the “@” symbol
  2. email’s inbox was full
  3. considered the email to be a security risk

A quick overview of the bounce back report will show if you need to correct wrong email addresses. Please do this at the source of the data – your client CRM system. If you do not act on this it may mean that a significant proportion of clients will not be receiving the information. ISP and email security filters will penalise Senders who continuously send bouncing emails – have high bounce back rates

The more clients receiving information the more opportunity for new business development!

Bounce back report

To find the detailed bounce back report and do the following:

  1. Go to top navigation bar and click on “Reporting” tab
  2. Find and click on the report from the left hand “Reporting option” menu
  3. Click on “Send out summary & bounce backs” report from the left hand “Reporting option” menu
  4. Wait until the report generates – this may take a few seconds
  5. Find the communication under the “Publication” column
  6. Click on the hyperlinked figure under the “Bounces”, this will open a detailed bounce report listing the following information:
    1. Subscriber – client’s name
    2. Email – the email that bounced back
    3. Bounce reason – short reason for the bounce. Some common short reasons are:
      1. domain_error – there’s something wrong with the domain name, the spelling or format of email after the “@” symbol
      2. User Unknown – receiving server doesn’t recognise the user of the email
      3. Unknown – receiving server doesn’t recognise the email address or thinks it is a security risk.
  • Long bounce reason – this is the extract text the system receives from the bouncing server, with a reason for rejecting the email ( can be very technical)
  • Resolved – If you have corrected the bouncing email and resent the communication