Send a test email

To send a test email find and open the communication you want to send the test from and do the following;

  1. You’ll find the “Send test email” option in the second top nav bar once the communication is opened in front of you
  2. Click on “Send test email”
  3. Type in a ” Notification email subject ” line
  4. Fill in ” To Firstname “
  5. Fill in ” To Email “
  6. click on ” Submit “

Once you are happy with the test email you are ready to do a live send out

Note In the “From name” & “From email” fields the test email uses the admin email account details, if one is set up. Otherwise it uses the default account email details.

Didn’t receive the test email?

This is usually because your email security is blocking the test email you are sending yourself e.g. from your office email to another office email but it actually it gets sent from our email server (… so it looks like a fraudulent email.

To get around this for the test only, change the “From” email address to a Clientcomm email – or some fictitious email e.g.