Using images - things to remember

An image can be inserted into the Welcome text area or into an article.

Suggested guidelines for using images are:

  • The best position is stacked between two blocks / paragraphs of text but not compulsory – this is the best mobile friend positioning for an image
  • The best file formatt is JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png)
  • Resize or crop your image to the correct size before uploading – this is essential.
    • There is an image editor function in your account’s image folder
  • Your account template will automatically resize any image up or down to 420px in width.
  • If your image is smaller you’ll need insert the Class tag of “None420” on the image in the text – click here for more info

Large images = great than 420px in width

The template will automatically resize any large image down to 420px in width so it fits into your communication. Good practice is to resize/crop your image to the correct size before you upload it into your account’s image folder

Small images – retain original size

Your account template will automatically resize any image up or down to 420px in width. To stop this happening do the following;

  1. Insert-edit-imageWhen you insert the image use the “Insert/edit image” icon on tool bar – looks like stamp with a tree on it
  2. Go to the “Appearance” tab
  3. Go down to the “Class” drop down menu
  4. Select “None420” from the menu options – stops the template from resizing signature up to 420px in width.

Text heavy images – do’s & don’ts

If you have a communication that has all the information / message as text with in an image be mindful of the following issues:

  1. Can they easily read the text in the image on a mobile device screen – the image will be scaled down 270px in width to fit into a mobile screen. Will clients be able to read the image text?
  2. By default images are blocked in all email browsers unless the your sending email address is in the users address book.

Important – Make sure you have all important text information in the image as text in the Welcome text area as well – images are great visual but not the best way to convey important text information in an email.