Insert PDF file

Insert PDF file into your text (or) create a link to a PDF file

To create a link to a PDF in you text do the follow:

  1. Firstly type in a call-to-action statement e.g “Click here to read Debt recycling update” or ” Download and read market update”
  2. Highlight this statement or the key words within the call-to-action statement
  3. Go to the editing option tool bar and click on the “Insert file” icon Insert-file-item – this is the second to last icon located on the second row of functions
  4. This opens the Moxiecode File Manager and displays the available folders
  5. Click on the yellow “Link” folder on left-hand side of the file manger screen
  6. If there is no “Link” folder create one by doing the following:
    1. Click on the “Create folder” icon in top right
    2. Enter a “Folder name
    3. Click “Create
  7. Once “Link” folder is open go to top right and click on “Upload
  8. Click on “Choose files” or “Select files” – this allows you to access your computer & network
  9. Browse, find and select the PDF file you want
  10. Click “Open
  11. Click on “Upload to server” – this places the file into your “Link” folder
  12. Double click on the file and this will insert the link in behind the text that was/is highlighted
  13. Scroll to the bottom and click “Submit” to save
  14. Send a test email and test the pdf link from this email

ImportantFile size: if the PDF file is over 1MB it will take a few seconds to download depending on the clients internet connection.
If you do insert a large file and send, insert a warming statement about the file size so clients know to wait for the download and not to get click crazy!! If file is 2MB;  2 click = 4 MB, 3 clicks 6MB etc